
The advantages of using corrugated iron during transportation for business

 Competent logistics is an integral stage of any business related to the production and sale of goods. In addition to the development of routes, it is important not to forget about another important criterion - the creation of optimal conditions for preserving the initial quality of goods at the stage of their storage and transportation. For this purpose, containers of various types can be successfully used - made of wood, metal, plastic or corrugated cardboard. The last option is the most optimal in most cases, as it has many advantages over analogues. Let's consider the positive features of corrugated cardboard packaging, which play an important role during the transportation of products for business.Key functions of transport packaging  All products are moved from the place of production to the points of sale. At this stage, it is important to ensure optimal protection of products from dust, moisture, mechanical damage and other negative influences. Accordingly, the packaging must meet the following requirements:1. The key task of packaging material during transportation is to dampen vibrations, shocks, and other physical impacts.2. The container must be a reliable barrier that protects the contents from dust and dirt. This is especially important for a long logistics route with a change of transport.3. Protection from precipitation, moisture, wind, sun and other factors that can negatively affect the quality of products during loading/unloading.4. High-quality packaging guarantees the safety of not only the products themselves, but also the personnel. Proper storage minimizes the risk of injury.Corrugated cardboard packaging, which provides excellent product protection during storage and transportation over any distance, meets all these requests.The reasons for the popularity of corrugated iron  Today, corrugated cardboard boxes and trays are used by almost all industries and commerce. Such popularity is due to a number of characteristics of the material:● it is a universal package that can have different shapes and sizes, thanks to which it is easy to choose the best option for any product;● provides excellent protection against impacts and dust, there are options for containers with a polymer coating that protects against moisture;● most packaging manufacturers go to meet customers and offer the manufacture of containers with individual parameters for specific products;● the material is amenable to processing, which allows you to create a wide range of packaging;● logos, inscriptions or full-length photos can be printed on the surface of the container, which will increase the presentability and recognition of the brand;● compared to analogues, corrugated cardboard is much cheaper and can be recycled, which will allow the business to return part of the spent funds;● environmental cleanliness, no impact on products inside the box.All these features determined the popularity of corrugated cardboard for packaging materials.Types of corrugated cardboard packaging  In the process of organizing the transportation of products, you need to think over the route, choose a vehicle and the type of corrugated cardboard for the container in which the goods will be packed. There are four main types of canvases, which differ in the number of layers and technical characteristics:1. Two-layer (D). Corrugated cardboard consists of one liner (even sheet of paper) and one fluting (wavy layer). Elastic and flexible material that is used as a layer between artificial goods in one container.2. Three-layer (T). According to the name, the canvas consists of an internal corrugation, which is covered with liners on both sides. This design provides excellent strength and protection against deformations, shocks, impacts and damage.3. Five-layer (P). A sought-after option that has two wavy layers pasted over with three even sheets. Provides increased protection even for fragile products, maintaining their integrity throughout the route.4. Seven-layered (C). The density is represented by four liners and three corrugated layers. This is the strongest material used for packing household appliances, industrial equipment and other heavy objects.Five- and seven-layer corrugated cardboard sheets can have flutings of different width and wave height in one sheet, which allows to obtain the desired technical characteristics of the container. In addition, specialized corrugated cardboard packages are distinguished:● with increased strength, which can withstand storage and transportation in stacks;● for packing products that should be transported under static loads;● high-strength containers for packing products with further transportation.It is important to emphasize that the final technical characteristics largely depend on the parameters of the corrugated layer: small wave — 2.5-3.2 mm, large — 4.6-5.2 mm or microcorrugated cardboard — 1.1-1.7 mm. Each variant is actively used for transporting goods, and the technical characteristics indicate the scope of application.How to choose the right container for transportation to ensure stability and sustainability?  In order to choose the best container for transporting different types of products, it is important to focus on the following parameters:1. Dimensions First, you need to clearly define what goods will be packed. For this, it is necessary to obtain geometric parameters and leave enough space for additional materials that will provide cushioning.2. Weight. The greater the mass of the content, the higher the pressure per unit area will be. There is a simple rule: the heavier and smaller the product, the thicker the corrugated cardboard should be.3. Protection. For fragile goods, you will need a box or box with increased wall strength, which provides good damping of vibrations.4. Microclimate. It is important to consider the conditions under which the goods will be transported. If there is a risk of moisture penetration, you should choose boxes with an additional protective film.5. Storage. After transportation, the products will be placed in the warehouse, where it is important to consider the dimensions for efficient placement on shelves or pallets.6. Packaging process. Any variety of corrugated cardboard containers can be used for manual assembly of boxes. At the same time, automatic lines require special models.7. Construction. The range of products is very large: trays, boxes, boxes, etc. At the same time, they can have different types of lid opening, the presence of additional handles or internal inserts. All this affects the ease of operation and delivery to customers.8. Design. Each box can be branded with a logo, slogan or picture. All this allows you to increase brand recognition thanks to native advertising, which is applied to the packaging.All these parameters will allow each owner to choose the best packaging option for his business project and products.The advantages of using corrugated iron during transportation for business  Various materials are used for transporting goods: wood, plastic, metal and others. At the same time, corrugated cardboard boxes provide a number of advantages for business, regardless of its specifics:1. Weight. The weight of the container is a key factor in logistics calculations, because each kilogram of packaging also causes additional costs. Corrugated cardboard has minimal weight, which makes it the absolute leader compared to its counterparts.2. Versatility. Corrugated cardboard boxes can be used to transport almost all goods: clothes, electronics, furniture, household appliances, cosmetics, food products, medicines. The only exception is liquids without individual packaging.3. Processing. Unlike analogues, corrugated cardboard is subject to secondary processing, even for the return of waste paper, part of the funds spent on the initial purchase of the container can be returned.4. Environmental friendliness. In recent years, humanity has been putting more emphasis on nature protection and pollution minimization. And that's why cardboard packaging will always be a priority over plastic.5. Place. The boxes are stored in an unfolded form, which takes up a minimum of useful space. In the same way, the transportation of a large number of blanks for self-assembling boxes can be carried out even in a car.6. Cost. According to this indicator, corrugated cardboard packaging is the absolute leader, as it has a minimal price tag, which is several times inferior to wood and plastic.7. Reuse. If you buy strong five- or seven-layer boxes, they can be reused, which provides additional savings.These are the main benefits that a business will receive by using corrugated packaging to transport its products. This type of container is economically profitable and convenient to operate, which has been proven by many years of practice.

On the official site of the "Prydniprovskyi" plant, you can familiarize yourself with the assortment of corrugated cardboard packaging, the cost of such packaging, as well as order its production according to individual parameters on favorable terms.