
How to choose the right corrugated board for your packaging?

Corrugated cardboard is an environmentally friendly, durable and inexpensive packaging material that has a wide range of applications. Ready-made containers are used for storage and transportation of a wide variety of products, from food to industrial equipment. This is due to the fact that the material has several varieties that differ in technical parameters.Accordingly, in the selection process, you need to pay attention to the type of corrugated cardboard used, which determines the degree of strength, reliability and scope of application of the packaging. Let's consider in more detail the features of choosing corrugated cardboard for containers later in the article.Features of corrugated cardboard  Before talking about varieties, it is worth understanding the structural features of the material on which the classification itself is based. Corrugated cardboard is an alternating combination of smooth liners and wavy flutings, which are made of sulfated unbleached cellulose, recycled raw materials or semi-cellulose.The main task of the liner is to preserve the shape, stability and durability of the fabric. The number of equal sheets is from 1 to 4. As for the flutings, they can be from 1 to 3. They are necessary to increase rigidity, strength and damping of mechanical influences. The layers are joined together with starch-containing glue at the upper points of the corrugations.How to choose corrugated cardboard for packaging?  The first key criterion for material selection is the number of layers, in connection with which the following brands are distinguished:● D - two layers;● T - three layers;● P - five layers;● C - seven layers.Each option differs in physical parameters, such as stiffness, strength, stability, etc. It is important to understand that the total weight and thickness of the cardboard used in the production of packaging directly depends on the number of layers. These are the most important parameters that affect logistics.Corrugated cardboard is a light and pliable material that allows you to make different types of packaging. In addition, the canvas has the following positive characteristics:● air permeability - helps to preserve the product and optimal convection inside the box;● rigidity - allows you to preserve the original form of the contents even after physical impact on the container;● excellent resistance to tearing and plane compression due to the elasticity and stability of the corrugation;● as for a cellulose product, it has a fairly high resistance to ignition;● the surface is suitable for applying images with all types of printing;● if necessary, the boxes can be covered with a protective polymer film that will prevent the penetration of moisture;● environmental cleanliness - allows the use of containers for packaging medicines and food products.In the selection process, you need to find a balance between lightness and sufficient protection against damage. In addition, it is worth understanding that the thickness and technical parameters largely depend on the type of corrugated cardboard profile. According to this indicator, it is customary to distinguish 5 types of canvases, which we will consider in detail below.Profile A  The corrugation has a wave height of 4.0-4.9 mm and a pitch of 8.0-9.5 mm, thanks to which it forms a large wave. The best option for packing valuable cargo, as it has excellent shock-absorbing properties and elasticity. The canvas is able to withstand high pressure, while the large waviness of the cardboard does not allow you to make precise cutouts. Profile A corrugated cardboard is most often used as liners for placing fragile goods.Advantages:● excellent strength and rigidity;● can be used for heavy goods;● high indicators of resistance to shocks and compression;● retains its shape and guarantees excellent protection.Disadvantages:● not suitable for packing goods with sharp edges;● lack of depreciation can affect the quality of goods during storage and transportation.All these parameters indicate that type A canvas has a wide scope of application. Basically, this is a draft version or primary packaging.Profile BThe width of the wave of the canvas is from 5.5 to 6.5 mm, and the height is 2.2-3 mm. The material is most often used for storage and transportation of food, industrial goods and rather heavy products. Corrugated boxes and four-valve boxes are most often made from this fabric.Advantages of profile B corrugated board:● ecological and clean material suitable for food packaging;● the strength of the sheets makes it possible to make die-cuts for more complex containers;● printing on the surface is possible.Disadvantages:● quite low depreciation rates.● not suitable for stacking.The material has a wide scope of application in the food industry.Profile of С  The average corrugation has a height index in the range of 3.1-3.9 mm and a wave width of 6.8-7.9 mm. This is a universal option, as it has increased strength and guarantees protection of the contents from vibrations and mechanical influences. Perfect for bulky and heavy goods, such as appliances, furniture, etc.Advantages:● universal material for food and non-food products;● can be used in warehouse stacking;● the canvas has excellent resistance and resistance to shocks, punctures and other damages.There are no obvious flaws, since the material is equipped with corrugations with average parameters. At the same time, it will not work to apply a logo or an inscription on the surface of such boxes, which also needs to be taken into account when purchasing.Profile of EThe material is sometimes called microcorrugation because the wave width is 3.0-3.5 mm and the height is 1.0-1.8 mm. The key purpose of the material is the production of small boxes for confectionery products, gifts and other consumer needs.Advantages:● it is possible to manufacture containers with small dimensions;● ready-made packaging takes up a minimum of useful space, which is relevant for storage;● all types of printing are possible.The disadvantage is that boxes made of E-profile corrugated cardboard cannot be stacked. This is a popular type of material, but it is not suitable for heavy loads.Profile F  This is a category of thin packaging cardboard in which the corrugation has a height of 0.6 to 0.9 mm and a width of 1.9 to 2.6 mm. Three- and five-layer corrugated cardboard is mainly used in the production of containers. It is most often used for the production of boxes for expensive and elite goods that require reliable protection.Advantages:● canvases are quite compact and light;● suitable for self-assembling models;● it is possible to create containers with complex geometry;● good for printing, lamination, etc.Among the disadvantages, it cannot withstand high loads. To a greater extent, this type of corrugated cardboard is used as a presentation and gift option with an excellent design.Selection of corrugated cardboard by the number of layers  The scope of application directly depends on the type of profile and the number of layers of liners and flutings. Accordingly, in the selection process, you should pay attention to this parameter, as it affects the cost price. Main varieties:1. Two-layer (type D). It consists of one liner and one wave. It does not differ in high strength, since there is no second flat sheet, the canvas can be twisted into a roll. The key purpose is the division of goods among themselves inside the container. This allows you to protect fragile items from mechanical damage.2. Three-layer (T). It has a wavy layer, on both sides of which there are liners. This design provides good indicators of transverse and longitudinal stiffness. It is an inexpensive but very popular packaging material used in the manufacture of various trays and boxes. The canvas withstands impacts, crushing, is suitable for transportation and stacking during storage.3. Five-layer (P). Structurally, it has two corrugations separated by equal sheets. In order to achieve the required technical characteristics, the flutings of the same sheet can have different wave widths and heights. The material can withstand high loads (up to 100 kg per square meter). This is an excellent solution for packing household appliances, furniture and other large products.4. Seven-layered (C). The thickest option, consisting of three corrugations and four flat sheets. Designed for packing heavy objects, as it can withstand a load of up to 200 kg/m2. Such containers are most often used for industrial, plumbing equipment, machines, building materials, etc. Flat models, advertising signs, decorations, etc. can be made from such canvases.Each category of corrugated cardboard has its own characteristics that determine the field of use. Thus, when choosing a material for a container, it is important to clearly understand what goods will be packed in it, as well as how it will be stored and transported.
In order to make the final choice, it is necessary to clearly understand the field of application of corrugated iron, its dimensions according to the product, strength indicators and the level of protection against moisture. "Prydniprovskyi" plant offers packaging from various types of corrugated cardboard for any need. You can familiarize yourself with the available options and their characteristics on our official website.